Generate large quantities of high-quality forecasts quickly and automatically – no need for human intervention (unless desired). And streamline your forecasting processes so you can focus efforts on the most important, high-value decisions. With insureqlik, you can:

  • Reduce the opportunity for personal bias. Generate trustworthy forecasts – automatically. That means less manual intervention, which reduces the chance that organizational politics or personal agendas will contaminate forecasts.
  • Get easy access to powerful forecasting techniques. An easy-to-use GUI gives you the power of insureqlik forecasting without having to write code. The software also provides a batch environment that gives advanced users access to an even fuller set of capabilities using the insureqlik programming language.
  • Plan more effectively for the future. A virtually unlimited model repository provides models for a wide range of behaviors. You can test what-if scenarios to determine the likely impact on your forecasts. Account for both planned and unplanned events. And mine, segment and visualize data interactively.