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The recruitment management has become a significant part of HR administration. It includes all the processes to define role, attract, select and hire people on the basis of defined job requirements. Recruitment planning is essential for organization’s development. It is a crucial task that aids in enhancement of organization performance.
An automated recruitment management software helps to manage all processes efficiently and gives effective results. It has proved helpful to select right people for the right job at the right time.
In today’s world most enterprise businesses has changed the recruitment management and made it more convenient like it can be used through mobile devices or internet facilities that has saved much cost of large businesses. For small businesses it helps them in their company’s growth and to ensure the better future. Recruitment management software plays vital role in organization’s progression.
Job Analysis
Job analysis is a time taking and fundamental process of recruitment management software in which job’s complete description is prepared like what is this job about? What are the requirements or what kind of candidates are required? In short it includes the analysis of job description and employee specification that helps to find the right person for the right job according to company’s requirements.
Attracting Applicants
There are some ways to create interest of people towards the required job

  • Internal Methods: it is important not to forget company’s talent pool. Its target is to provide opportunities to company’s employees for their career development. It increases the employee activities and retention. It also support succession planning.
  • External Methods: The target is to generate interest from individual of outside the organization. In this process advertisements are placed in newspapers, visited colleges or universities. Social networking is also used as part of recruitment process by advertising the required job. Requirements should be cleared and indicated the job requirement, necessary criteria for job applicants, nature of the organization’s activities, job location, reward package and details of how to apply.

Selection of Applicants
There are two main formats through which applications are received e.g. curriculum vitae (CV) or the application form. It is possible that it could be submitted on paper or electronically.

  • Application Forms: It provide a consistent format to present the information of applicants so it is important to make it easier to get information in a systematic way and assess objectively the candidate’s suitability for the required job.
  • CVs: By using CV, it provide the advantage to candidate to present their selves in their own way. It includes a lots of irrelevant and additional material which make them harder to assess reliably.

PeopleQlik’s HR & Payroll software is an integrated and efficient software that provide HR Managers the ability to improve HR processes in an effective way. PeopleQlik’s recruitment management software provides the facility to handle the issue of lacking inspiration that is the main issue in today’s market. It also enables to simplify the recruitment processes for managers. PeopleQlik provides a convenient way to handle recruitment process.

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