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Overall, BI managers and architects work very well in the technical aspects of deployments, and gaining the appropriate expertise in their team to build BI applications.

Helping all business users the same:

BI managers sometimes assume that a tool will fit all BI uses, and that all business people have the same level of analytical skills and data knowledge. BI Company in lahore-karachi-islamabad-pakistan designers and architects need to create a BI portfolio that supports a variety of analytical tools, such as dashboards, data discovery, data visualization and, of course, spreadsheets. An individual BI program may provide all the tools your business users need, but in some cases, more than one product may be necessary to get the best return on investment required.

New Data sources to be used in a BI system

Many BI teams were burned when they trusted that data from a new source system was complete, modern, clean and compatible with other data sets. Data silos – assume that each new data source is a silo – likely to include errors or data problems. Best practices for running data metadata tools are all new source systems to check data quality issues. “Trust, but check” should be the operational rule.
How BI Company in lahore-karachi-islamabad-pakistan helps you to Design a Proper BI system for Business Users?

Believing Self-service BI

Vendors and critics have announced for more than a decade that the latest BI tools are easy to use so that business owners can develop their own BI SAP BO Business Objects Consultant in lahore-karachi-islamabad-pakistan applications without any interference with IT. These are not small feats, and certainly require the sharing of information technology.

Spreadsheets as the enemy

Spreadsheets remain the first BI product on Earth and the only common BI tool. I do not suggest that shadow systems Excel data should be encouraged, but rather. You should adopt spreadsheets as a valid BI tool. Integrating Microstrategy Consultant in lahore-karachi-islamabad-pakistan spreadsheets into a BI portfolio is the best way to expand BI usage in your organization.

Services We Offer:


  • Competitive Intelligence
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Sales Analytics
  • Data Monetization
  • Predictive Analytics


  • Assessments
  • Roadmaps
  • Data Governance
  • Strategy & Architecture
  • Organization Planning
  •   Proof of Value


  • Data Visualization
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Machine Learning
  • BI Reporting Dashboards
  • Advanced Analytics & Data Science
  • CRM / Salesforce Analytics


  • Big Data Architecture
  • Lean Analytics
  • Enterprise Data Warehousing
  • Master Data Management
  • System Optimization


  • Software Development
  • Managed Services
  • On-Shore / Off Shore
  • Cloud Analytics
  • Recruiting & Staffing

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Mobile#: 923333331225
